Friday, 26 October 2012

قفزة ....أخرى :) !

أن تعود أجمل..
وفي عينيك أمل.. 
وفي قلبك شغفٌ 
ويسكن عقلك حلمْ..

أن تولدَ بنفس جديد
بابتسامة مشرقة
تُبهجُ الحزن فيك
وفي الآخرين.. 

أن تعود بانشراح 
وتُكمل المشوار.. 
وتشعر بالمغامرة
في عروق جسدك
تنتفض من جديد.. 
من جديد.. 

وإن قالوا أنك لا تبالي بالحروب.. 
وإن اتهموك بالجنون..
وإن قيدوا يديك، اكتب.. 
وإن انتقدوا أمنياتك!
التقط صوراً لطعامك،
لمكانك، لوطنك، لوردك،
لحبك، لقهوتك، للعصفور..
فليس لأحد حقٌ بأن يحكمك!
أنت أول معلم لنفسك.. 
تذكر أنك الحب، العزيمة،
الصبر، الطفولة..... 
الآن......... اقفز لمقطع جديد! 

من جديد، 
راجع عهودك،
والتزم بنموك..
كن أنت لا غيرك،
وإن صعدت لفوق
ورأيت أناس يختلفون عن الأسفل!
تذكر.. جمالك بعفويتك.. 

قفزة.. قفزة..

أن تعود أجمل..
وفي عينيك أمل.. 
وفي قلبك شغفٌ 
ويسكن عقلك حلمْ.. 

فأنت جميل :) .. 

Tuesday, 16 October 2012


I'll tell you a story !! 
      Once upon a time (actually it was today ) I was on my way to be depressed, and start a new session of my dark pages I force inside my life draft ,until I saw that super goat >

      It was after my Arabic exam which was a bit difficult ,and as I used to take my failure for granted ,I didn't consider the bright side that I answered every single question without facing any difficulty ,but I considered that the subject of the essay didn't appeal to me ,and just so I started crying :/
Upon my way home the traffic was nearly closed and we were forced to use another road which was closed too .......Here I saw my super goat :D

       It was معرفش ازاي standing on the top of a wall ...and there is almost no way she can go down :S
I thought that if I was in her shoe I would give up (maa2 maa2 ) and jump and die ...coz the wall was terribly high and no way one can here me....
I stared and stared to that goat and I really wanted to know what it's up to ....she will die by a way or another ...if she landed safely she would be killed to fill and empty gut or something .....
        well it was much wiser and even more believing in life than me ....she waited until a car ,a high one came under her , as many small ones were there before, then it jumped slowly wiping the wall with her small feet till she reached the car the jumped off to the road and went on to join two other goats were waiting for her ... :O

         I was like HUH ,I didn't think about it ..she (not it) is really smart ..
my depression and hatred to life coz of that simple reason blinded me !!
and I am the one who deserves to be called (IT)
But She was filled of love and hope ,,,most importantly faith and family that forced her to keep calm, think wisely and CHOOSE the high car to jump on !!
        You are (SHE/HE) as long as you're filled with love ,faith and hope ,that what makes you think btw !!
And You are (IT) as long as you get depressed from anything that steals your love , smile and mind ;)

Saturday, 13 October 2012

The Guillotine of Silence

Has one ever sat in a forest at night,
unafraid, bathed in moonlight; listening to the earth’s
breathing and the leaves dancing over the hard earth?
Something opens within us, and this opening is empty
and solid at the same time. Profound stillness of mind.
A quivering in the heart of what is wordlessly present. In
this depth of being, without movement, utterly still, is a
total absence of craving. Returning to silence, to our
source, reveals our wholeness, and we see that al
addiction comes from a forgetfulness of this. Awakening
to our Self is freedom. In this freedom, we are not
terrified of the unknown, we embrace it. We are not
partial; we are whole. We remain before thought, open
and free.
Robert Rabbin (from the book - The Guillotine of Silence: It's Never How You Think It Is)